We believe that children are valuable human beings with minds ready to take on new knowledge, values and ideas. These acquisitions will lead to the development of their potentials and enrich their lives.
We believe that children have a right to be an active part of a caring, sharing environment which links home, school and community in a meaningful way.
We will strive in our teaching to stimulate curiosity and a love of learning in the children. We will keep in mind that each child is an individual with unique abilities. We will work to nurture these abilities without threatening the individual's self-esteem. We will endeavour to develop the spiritual, physical, intellectual, social and emotional aspects of our students in an effort to enhance in them a balanced personality. We will make a sincere effort to model for our students the Christian values of self-discipline, love of neighbour and of self. We will do our best to show our love of God and of His Church in our teaching and our daily actions.
We believe in children.
We believe in teaching.